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Toner Chip for Samsung3175/3170 printer mainboard chip

Toner Chip for Samsung3175/3170 printer mainboard chip
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Toner Chip for Samsung3175/3170 printer mainboard chip

Toner Chip for Samsung3175/3170 printer
mainboard chip
1.toner Cartridge model:Samsung3175/3170
printer mainboard chip toner chip.
2.Page/yield: toner chip
3.Color toner chip:bk,c,m,y
4.laserjet printer model: Samsung3175/3170
printer mainboard chip toner chip
5.compatible new toner chip
6.full printing life toner chip
7.100% tested toner chip
Toner Chip for Samsung3175/3170 printer
mainboard chip
Toner Chip for Samsung3175/3170 printer
mainboard chip
Samsung toner chip, hp printer chip, xerox
laser chip, epson compatible, Minota toner
chip, drum chip, Kyocera reset chip, Utax
toner cartridge chip, oki chip toner, Ricoh
chip cartrtidge etc…
NPCTechnology Co., LTd
admin[at]p r i n t e r c o l o r l t d{com}
{3w} p r i n t e r c o l o r l t d {com}
We are a gold and trusted manufacturer of
toner chip (laser chip,drum chip ,smart
chip, reset chip, printer chip, toner
cartridge chip, compatible chip) by the
biggest international site, Our website: ,

t t p] / /p r i n t e r c o l o r l t d
.en.[a l i b a b a] .{c o m} We have some
new chips as follows:
ID Produto: 1049550 | Referência: 1049550 | Vendido por: Npc Technology Co., LtD
Data de publicação do produto 28/10/2011 - Modificado pelo vendedor 16/02/2018
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Toner Chip for Samsung3175/3170 printer mainboard chip